Group Details

Activity Group

Leader: Ernestine Carmichael

The 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month at 6:00 PM

Hidden In Plain Sight: Toxic Relationships

Hidden toxic relationships are those that might not be immediately obvious to an outsider or even to the people involved. They are characterized by subtle and insidious negative patterns and behaviors that can be hard to detect on the surface, but over time, they erode the well-being and happiness of those involved.

The dynamics might be concealed by a façade of happiness, especially when people are around others. It's like there's a "public" version of the relationship that seems fine, but behind closed doors, things can be quite different.

Through open discussions, shared stories, and expert insights, the group aims to empower its members with the knowledge and tools to recognize the signs of toxicity, set boundaries, and seek healthier alternatives.

Ernestine has overcome a toxic marriage. Let's talk and discuss this topic in a safe environment.
She is a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist, Board Certified Master Mental Health Coach, and a Maxwell Leadership Certified Speaker, Trainer & Coach.

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